
Since year 1994, Multi Emerald has been assembling Core Team to network with Jakarta proven entrepreneurs and domestic / foreign venture capital. We network extensively with Founders and CEOs from proven domestic (PMDN) or foreign (PMA) companies that want to expand in Greater Jakarta area that already have traction and yet still need funding to meet investor growth target to the next level. If we can create more value to your business, let’s increase our network and see how we can work together.

Partnership Focus

We form long-term partnerships with talented and motivated entrepreneurs, managers, colleagues and investors.

Industry Expertise

We focus on industries that we know well and areas where our partners have direct operating experience.

Value-Add Approach

We apply our team's experience and relationships to add value while working alongside our management teams.

Multi Emerald
If your enterprise has what it takes to succeed, but you still want to grow faster, please contact us for confidential discussion:

Multi Emerald
Jalan Gajah Mada, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia
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